SynthsYamaha ⇝ Yamaha TG33

Yamaha TG-33

The TG33 uses a 2-operator FM/PCM hybrid engine with joystick-controlled vector synthesis. Yamaha calls the hybrid engine DASS which stands for Dual Architecture Synthesis System. The PCM samples used are version 1 of Advanced Wave Memory (AWM) and are 12 bits in resolution. The FM sounds consist of 256 un-editable presets. It also has a card slot with a few expansion cards available and can save additional patches to MCD32 or MCD64 memory card.

Although it has 32 voices of polyphony, most patches use 4 oscillators to take advantage of the vector morphing capabilities of this synthesizer, making this unit 8-note polyphonic for all practical purposes.

Keyboard versions of the TG-33 are the SY22 and SY35, both of which are similar to the Korg Wavestation.

Bank 1 Internal Patch Names:

11. SP*Pro3321. SP*Matrx31. SC*Groov41. SC*Rude
12. SP*Echo22. SP*Gut32. SC*Airy42. SC*Bellz
13. SP*BelSt23. SP*Omni33. SC*Solid43. SC*Pluck
14. SP*Full24. SP*Oiled34. SC*Sweep44. SC*Glass
15. SP*Ice25. SP*Ace35. SC*Drops45. SC*Wood
16. SP*Dandy26. SP*Quire36. SC*Euro46. SC*Wire
17. SP*Arkle27. SP*Digit37. SC*Decay47. SC*Cave
18. SP*BrVec28. SP*Swell38. SC*Steel48. SC*Wispa
51. SC*Sync61. ME*Vecta71. SE*Mount81. SQ*MrSeq
52. SL*VCO62. ME*NuAge72. SE*5.PM82. SQ*It
53. SL*Chic63. PC*Hit+73. SE*FlyBy83. SQ*Id
54. SL*Mini64. ME*Glace74. SE*Fear84. SQ*Wrapa
55. SL*Wisul65. ME*Astro75. SE*Wolvs85. SQ*TG809
56. SL*Blues66. ME*Vger76. SE*Hades86. SQ*Devol
57. SL*Cosmo67. ME*Hitch77. SE*Neuro87. DR*Kit
58. SL*Super68. ME*Indus78. SE*Angel88. DR*EFX


Year Released: 1990

MSRP: 895.00 USD

Polyphony: 32 notes

Multitimbral: 16 parts

Preset Patches: 128

User Patches: 64

User Performances: 16

ROM: 2MB (128 16-bit AWM waveforms and 256 FM waveforms)

Effects: 16 - 11 reverbs, 5 delays

Screen: 16 x 2 character backlit LCD

Power Consumption: 7 watts

Dimensions: 439 mm x 229.9 mm x 80.4 mm

Weight: 2.4 kg

This is a tabletop module.

User Demo Videos


(8 votes)

Sound Samples

WAV samples are available on

File Downloads

Yamaha TG-33 Manual 1

Yamaha TG-33 Manual 2

Items for Sale on Reverb

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