The K5000R is an additive synthesizer and is the rackmount version of the Kawai K5000S. It does not have the General MIDI sound set and 32-part multitimbrality found in the Kawai K5000W.
It has a 128-band formant filter and two LFOs, one specifically for the formant filter.
The K5000 series can be upgraded with the ME-1 expansion. It adds two additional banks of patches, E and F.
Year Released: 1997
Polyphony: 32 notes
Multitimbral: 4 parts
User Patches: 200
User Performances: 64
Arpeggiator: 40 patterns, 8 user-programmable
Outputs: 1/4" stereo pair plus another 1/4" stereo pair for individual outputs
This is a 2-space rack unit.
Kawai K5000 MIDI Implementation
Kawai K5000 Series Service Manual
SoundDiver Kawai K5000 OEM Version
Kawai K5000R Rackmount Digital Synthesizer Module 1997 - Silver ($1,297.69)
Kawai K5000R 3.0 upgrade kit ($37.24)
Kawai K5000R Advanced Additive Synthesize Ver 3.00 w/ME-1 board New battery!! ($1,400)
Kawai K5000R Rackmount Digital Synthesizer Module 1997 Very Rare - Silver ($1,340)
Kawai K5000R Rackmount Digital Synthesizer Module 1997 Original box, manuals, disc ($1,127.30)
Kawai K5000R compact rackmount synth version 3 ($1,314.03)
Graphic Display Upgrade - KAWAI K5 / K5M / K5000 / K5000S / K5000W / K5000R ($175.63)
KAWAI K-5000R - Full Set of 39 Panel Switches - NEW K5000R Tact Switch ($16.87)
Kawai K5 version 1.3 firmware Latest OS Update Upgrade EPROM Ic Chip ($20.26)
KAWAI K-5000W - Full Set of 64 Panel Switches - NEW K5000W ($24.25)
USB Floppy Drive Emulator for Kawai K5000 plus 100+ disks & OLED Display k5000w k5000s k5000r ($95)
The Sound Programming site is copyright © 2006-2024 Jason Champion.