SynthsYamaha ⇝ Yamaha FS1r

Yamaha FS1rYamaha FS1r Front Panel Screen and ButtonsYamaha FS1r KnobsYamaha FS1r Back

The Yamaha FS1r is Yamaha's most advanced hardware FM synthesizer, featuring a combination of 8-operator FM and formant synthesis. It is capable of producing sounds similar to the DX7, vocoder-like Human vocal sounds, and everything in-between. It can load SysEx dumps of Yamaha DX7 patches and reproduce them, but with less DAC noise.

It has a very complex interface and can be very challenging to program, even with a software editor (Yamaha included a custom FS1r-only version of SoundDiver with the unit). It was not very popular during its initial production run and was discontinued after being on the market a short time. It later became much more popular and used units often sell for more than the original new retail price.

We've made the SoundDiver FS1r OEM version that shipped with the unit available below, but since it was intended for use with Windows 98, it may not run properly on a modern Windows system (we couldn't get it to run on Windows 7, but it ran fine on a Linux machine via Wine).


Year Released: 1999

MSRP: 999.00 USD

Polyphony: 32 notes

Multitimbral: 4 parts

Preset Patches: 1408

User Patches: 128

Effects: 15 (Reverb), 28 (Variation), 40 (Insertion)

Screen: Custom LCD (Character & Graphic) w/backlight

Dimensions: 480 mm x 235 mm x 44 mm

Weight: 2.6 kg

This is a 1-space rack unit.

Tone Generator: Formant Shaping / FM Synthesis, LFO1/LFO2/Dynamic Filter/Pitch EG/Filter EG

Maximum Polyphony: 32 (without Filter) / 16 (with Filter)

Number of Multitimbral Parts: 4 parts (16 MIDI channels)

Operators: 8 Voiced Operator + 8 Unvoiced Operator per Voice

Algorithms: 88

Performances: 384 (256 Preset, 128 User-Programmable) to be made up of up to 4 part of Voice programs as layer/split

Compatibility: Receive DX7 MIDI Bulk dump (1 voice format only)

Connectors: Headphones, Stereo Output (L/ Mono, R), Individual Output (L/R), MIDI In/Out/Thru

Controllers: Control Knob 4 Assignable / Fixed (Attack/Release/Formant/FM), Volume Knob

User Demo Videos


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Sound Samples

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File Downloads

Yamaha FS1r Manual

Yamaha FS1r Data List

Yamaha FS1r Algorithm Chart

SoundDiver Yamaha FS1r OEM Version

Items for Sale on Reverb

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