The Prophet-5 is an analog synthesizer that was manufactured by Sequential Circuits from 1978 to 1984. It had 5-voice polyphony and was one of the first synthesizers with patch memories. This synthesizer is widely known for its modulation capabilties, though it lacked MIDI support.
The Prophet 5 is known to have been used by David Bowie, John Carpenter, Phil Collins, Vince Clarke, Thomas Dolby, Duran Duran, Peter Gabriel, Philip Glass, Hall & Oates, INXS, Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, New Order, No Doubt, Gary Numan, Pet Shop Boys, Prodigy, Sneaker Pimps, Steely Dan, Talking Heads, and The Cars.
Year Released: 1978
Keyboard: 61 keys
Polyphony: 5 notes
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Manual
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Technical Manual
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Service Manual
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 - Rev 1 & Rev 2 *rear large badge* NEW - ($24.99)
Prophet NOS Sequential Circuits 5 1000 PCB 1979 ($80)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 rev 3 1983 original vintage USA SCI ($6,995)
1982 Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Model 1000 Rev 3 61-Key Keyboard Synthesizer ($5,699.99)
Black knob Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 / 10 ($16.93)
Potentiometer - Sequential Circuits - Prophet-5 rev3 (B10K) ($9.40)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5 , Prophet 10 - voltage selector slide switch ($8.90)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 , Prophet 10 , PRO-ONE - Fuse cap Red ($9.90)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 , Prophet 10 , PRO-ONE - Fuse cap Black ($9.90)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5 , Prophet 10 , PRO-ONE - Fuse Holder Red ($39.90)
Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Rev3.3 120 Programs w/Factory MIDI ($6,250)
Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Rev2. 1979. The real thing ($6,800)
Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Rev 3.2 Vintage Analog Synthesizer ($6,000)
Sequential Circuits - Pro-One , Prophet 5 , Prophet 10 - Key bushing ($0.99)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Service Manual. Revs 3.0 ~ 3.2 ($275)
"Memory Liberator" no battery F-RAM upgrade for Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 2.0 and 3.0 ($95)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Wooden Enclosure American Walnut ($360.72)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev.3.3 Original Manual ($250)
Sequential Circuits Prophet - 5 / 10 / 600 - Battery Holder replacement Fix ($14.61)
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 ($135)
"Memory Liberator" no battery F-RAM upgrade for Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 3.3 ($80)
1980s Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Enamel Cloisonne Pin Super Rare Promo Advertising ($15)
SCI Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 P5 V Firmware Version 9.7 for Rev 3.2 Rom Eprom ($28.15)
SCI Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 P5 V Debug Diagnostic Test Firmware Rom Eprom ($33.80)
Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Rev 3.3 Firmware Version 10.5 Rom Eprom SCI P5 V ($39.44)
Replacement nameplate set (#2,#3,#4 & #5) for Sequential Circuits "Prophet-5" Rev. 3 ($40)
Replacement nameplate #1 for Sequential Circuits "Prophet-5" Rev. 1 or Rev. 2 ($30)
Prophet-5 knob set of 26 including 2 silver knobs for Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 ($220)
Black top knob for Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Prophet-10 synth ($10)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5/10/T8 - New Gray panel switch with Red led ($10.90)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5/10 - Pitch or Mod wheel - Rotary Potentiomer ($10.99)
Sequential Circuits large nameplates #2 & #4 for Prophet-5 back panel ($20)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5/10/T8 - New panel switch with led black ($10.90)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5/10/600 - AC power socket ($3.99)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5/10 - New black panel switch without led ($7.90)
Sequential Circuits Inc Prophet-5 Programs Rev 3 Set 1 Patch Tape VINTAGE DEALER ($79.99)
Sequential Circuits - Prophet 5/10 - New Gray panel switch without led ($7.90)
Sequential Circuits Inc Authorized Dealer Sticker Prophet VINTAGE SYNTH DEALER 1 ($169.99)
Original Operation Manual for the vintage Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 ($338.53)
Sequential Circuits Potentiometer 10K, SCI Prophet 5 ($9.33)
Sequential Circuits - Tom , Drumtraks , Prophet 5/10/600 - New Battery ($13.90)
Custom padded cover for Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Keyboard ($49.99)
Sequential Circuits Propeht 5 Komplett Set Potentiometer ($188.71)
Prophete-5 aluminum Badge sticker's Sequential Circuits ($54.16)
Sequential Circuits Prophet VS `Shalebridge` V 1.45 OS IC Upgrade kit by Bassmobile ($58)
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