The XP-80 can be expanded with up to 4 SR-JV80 series expansion boards. It is also available in 61-key form as the XP-60.
Year Released: 1998
Keyboard: 76 keys with velocity and aftertouch
Polyphony: 64 notes
Multitimbral: 16 parts
Preset Patches: 512
User Patches: 128
Preset Performances: 64
User Performances: 32
Preset Drum Kits: 8
User Drum Kits: 2
ROM: 8MB (448 16-bit PCM waveforms)
Sequencer Resolution: 96 PPQN
Effects: 40 multi-effects plus reverb and chorus
Arpeggiator: 33 styles
Screen: 320 x 80 pixel backlit LCD
Power Consumption: 20 watts
Dimensions: 1238 mm x 349 mm x 107 mm
Weight: 12.9 kg
Sequencer: 60,000 notes, 100 patterns, 1 song of up to 9998 measures.
Roland XP-80 1990 - LCD for XP-80 and XP-60 ($110)
Roland XP-80 76-Key 64-Voice Music Workstation Keyboard ($1,599.95)
Roland XP-80 76-Key 64-Voice Music Workstation Keyboard 1999 - 2004 - Black ($589.92)
Roland XP-80 Jack & Expansion EXP Base Board Assy ($59)
Roland XP-80 76-Key 64-Voice Music Workstation Keyboard 1999 - 2004 - Black ($800)
Roland XP-80 workstation 76 semi-weighted keyboard synthesizer - 1996 vintage! ($1,499)
Roland XP-80 76-Key 64-Voice Music Workstation Keyboard 1999 - 2004 - Black ($765.77)
Roland XP-80 76-Key 64-Voice Music Workstation Keyboard 1999 - 2004 - Black ($499.17)
Roland XP-80 76-Key Music Workstation Keyboard ($999.99)
Roland XP-80 76-Key 64-Voice Music Workstation Keyboard 1999 - 2004 - Black ($700)
Custom padded cover for Roland XP-80 Keyboard ($49.99)
Roland Fantom FA-76 XP-10 XP-50 XP-60 XP-80 Original Pitch Bend Bender Assembly. Works Great !... ($49)
Roland XP 80 switch board ($90.76)
Roland - XP-30, XP-50, XP-60, XP-80 - Slider knob ($14.99)
Roland - JV-1080/2080 , JP-8000 , XP-10 XP-30 XP-50 XP-60 XP-80 - battery ($3.20)
Roland - JV-1080/2080 , JP-8000 , XP-10 XP-30 XP-50 XP-60 XP-80 - battery ($6.75)
ROLAND XP-60 OR XP-80 - Full set of 71 tact switches - New XP60 XP80 panel switch ($25.47)
ROLAND XP-50 Synthesizer Original Black Keyboard Key. ($7.95)
Graphic Display Upgrade - Roland XP-80 Custom (Negative) Blue LED Graphic Display ! ($175.35)
Roland XP-80 (NEW) LED Graphic Display ! ($175.35)
Graphic Display Upgrade - Roland XP-80 LED Graphic Display Upgrade ($175.35)
90' Keyboard PARTS ROLAND JV80 JV30 50 35 XP50 60 Xp-80 SLIDER KNOB button ($6.69)
ROLAND Fantom G-6, XP-50, JV-1000 Original Black Slider Knob Cap. ($9.99)
Roland Bender Unit for XP-50 XP-60 XP-80 XP-10 and Fantom FA-76 ($49.95)
Roland XP80, XP60 floppy disk drive ($62.40)
Roland XP80 full set of buttons ($113.45)
Roland XP80 encoder board ($73.74)
Roland XP80, XP60 Power Supply Unit ($124.79)
Roland XP80 Volume board ($77.14)
Roland XP80 switch board ($73.74)
Roland Xp80 workstation weighted keys - Black ($1,100)
Roland XP-30/50/60/80 12-Note Rubber Keyboard Contact Strip... ($14.99)
10 x Front panel pushbutton tact switch for Roland XP 10 / 30 / 50 / 60 / 80 ($7.09)
Roland XP-60/80 Factory Demo Disk ($5.95)
Roland - XP - 10/50/60/80 - Pitch Bender Rotary Potentiometer ($9.90)
Roland - XP - 10/50/60/80 - New Rotary Potentiometer ($9.50)
ORIGINAL Roland Slider Cap (22485187) for JP-8000, D70, JV-80, JV-90, U-20, R-5, XP-10 ($8.95)
Roland Dance Kit Software For XP-60 / 80 Music Workstation Synth ($5.95)
Roland JP-8000, D-70, U-20, JV-80, JV-90, XP-10 Original Slider Knob/Cap ($6.95)
Roland XP-60/80 Video Tutorial ($15.50)
Roland LOT 5 Roland black keys XP-50 XP XP60 XP80 JW JV80 JV 90 JX1 JV30 and more ($10.21)
Replacement Backup Battery for Roland Synthsizers XP10 XP30 XP50 XP60 XP80 ($9.49)
Black key XP-50 XP XP60 XP80 JW JV80 JV 90 JX1 JV30 KEY Parts ($4.54)
Roland XP-50 XP XP60 XP80 JW JV80 JV 90 JX1 JV30 TOP Right C' 11 Note KEY ($16.96)
5 X ROLAND JV80 JV30 50 35 XP50 60 Xp80 PUSH KNOB light button poussoir lumiere ($13.50)
5 X Parts Keyboard Genuine ROLAND JUNO XP50 XP80 JV80 10000 KR etc short SPRING ($7.26)
10 X Parts Genuine ROLAND Rubber key Guide JUNO XP 50 XP80 JV JV80 10000 JX etc ($3.86)
5 X ROLAND JV80 JV30 50 35 XP50 60 Xp80 PUSH KNOB bouton poussoir No Light ($7.83)
ROLAND 90' part XP50 XP80 XP GW JUNO G keyboard Bender Pitch modulation VG ($38.57)
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