The MicroMoog is a single-oscillator monophonic synthesizer released in 1975. It has a 32-key keyboard and uses a ribbon controller for pitch bend.
The MicroMoog is known to have been used by Add N To (X), Apollo 440, and Kraftwerk.
Year Released: 1974
Keyboard: 32 keys
Polyphony: monophonic
Power Consumption: 5 watts
Dimensions: 24 in. x 15 in. x 5.5 in.
Weight: 20 lbs.
Moog MicroMoog and MultiMoog Service Manual
Moog white cap for Micromoog Multimoog Prodigy ($6.57)
1970s Moog Micromoog Synthesizer (Serial No. 5591) Serviced ($1,995)
1970s Moog Micromoog ($1,395)
Moog MicroMoog 1975 - 1979 - Black ($1,916.78)
Moog Micromoog Analog Keyboard Synthesizer ($1,499)
PRO SERVICED - Moog MicroMoog Monophonic Analog Synthesizer ($1,125)
Moog MicroMoog 1975 - 1979 - Black ($750)
Moog MicroMoog 1975 - 1979 - Black ($975)
Moog MicroMoog includes Flight Case ($1,579.11)
Moog Micromoog 2090 1976 ($1,250)
Moog MicroMoog 1976 ($1,050)
Moog MicroMoog 1975 - 1979 - Black ($1,399)
Moog MicroMoog 1975 - 1979 - Black ($1,642.95)
Moog Micromoog 1975-79 - Great & punchy! ($1,600)
Moog Micromoog 1975 - Black ($900)
Moog MicroMoog 1975 - 1979 - Black ($777)
Moog Model 2090 Micromoog Synthesizer Mid 1970s - Plastic ($1,400)
Moog Micromoog ($599)
1976 Moog Synthesizers Promotional Ad Framed Moog Micromoog Original ($24.99)
Moog - Minimoog , Micromoog , Multimoog , Polymoog , Prodigy - Key bushing ($1.99)
Vintage Moog Music Model 2090 Micromoog Synthesizer ($3,500)
Vintage Moog Micromoog, Taurus, Minimoog, Accessories Ad Sheets 1976 ($60)
Moog - Micromoog, Multimoog - Panel mount 2 pin Connector ($14.99)
x10 White Caps for Moog Micromoog, Multimoog, Prodigy ($51.48)
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